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Saturday, January 21, 2006

sKy iN tHe i....

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  1. good shot man! who's this man? you must have clicked him bina bataye?

  2. @ rohit...
    he is Parul's father... i saw the reflection in his shades and asked him to pose for me...
    he oblidged and hence the shot...

  3. well it didnt come out as we were expecting it to be....i m sure ur feelings wud be same.....

    mine one was also more or less same.....someday we gonna take this kinda a shot better...maybe we were not able to get right kind of light and contrast....

    parul is my friend, with her family we went to pondicherry...

  4. @ rohit...
    deepu has answered your question...

    @ deepu..
    right.. it could have been much much better !!! light has played games this time... i need to buy a small cover for my lens... need to control the rays getting inside and screwing up the fotos !! kaafi saari went bad because of that this time.. but a good lesson !!!

  5. not only this pic is gd, the title is also very apt
